Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Picnic

It's been a very relaxing 3 day weekend. Unlike the last 3 day weekend I had off where I had a very bad sinus infection/mild bronchitis. On Saturday I attended the Singles Memorial Day Picnic at my friend Marilyn's house in Painted Post, NY. It was a lot of fun. It was the ultimate variety of all American picnic food. Today on the actual holiday we are having friends from church come over for a dish to pass style dinner. My dad is making his traditional Pulled Pork for the main entree. Pulled pork is a perfect Picnic entree. Grab yourself a bun and put on some of the yummy pulled pork and your all set. My dad also made some delicious crab cakes at the last minute that were amazing!! We've also been told there will be potato sald and a 3 been salad. For dessert I made an Icecream cake. I got the idea from Sandra Lee on the Food Network.
She had one of her fans on her show that day to demo their icecream cake. They mashed up some sandwhich cookies and than layered on the icecream. The flavors we chose were Vanilla, Chocolate, and Peanut Fudge Swirl. It's layers of cookies and icecream. Yum!
On a more healthy note, I just recently purchased the new Biggest Loser Cookbook. 6 Weeks to a healthier You. I plan to share some of those recipes with you as well. I'm going to try really hard this summer to eat healthy. I most certainly don't have a "food addiction" but I do love food. I am avid at working out but definitely need to focus more on the calorie count of what I'm eating. I hope you'll enjoy some of the recipes I share.

I pray you are all having a glorious Memorial Day. Right now I'm remembering all the soldiers who are out in the battlefields right now protecting our Freedom or have protected our Freeom in the past. I thank each and every one of them. Including the ones I know more personally. Corey Lee Cole, Everrete Enstine, Arthur Briggs, Steve Mallory, Douglas Brock (Army Chaplan) and members of my own family who have fought in wars previously.

Happy Memorial Day Everyone and Happy Cooking!